Friday, May 26, 2017

Interesting Facts About Memorial Day

With the holiday weekend upon us, it's time to think about the real reason for Memorial Day. While this is a great time to do activities with friends and family, it's also important to remember the holiday's purpose. The best commercial electricians in mid-MO know how vital it is to take some time thinking about our heroes who have passed. To learn more about the history and other facts about Memorial Day, take a look at the points below!

Fact #1: Decoration Day was the original name of the holiday. To honor those who have passed, soldiers would decorate the graves of their fallen comrades. Flowers, wreaths, and flags were used to adorn the grave sites, just like is still done today.

Fact #2: May 30th was Memorial Day until 1971. Now the holiday is celebrated on the last Monday of May.

Fact #3: The birthplace of Memorial Day is considered to be Waterloo, New York. In 1966 Congress passed a resolution to recognize Waterloo as the holiday birthplace, although other towns debate that they are the birthplace as well!

Fact #4: To celebrate the holiday, more than 36 million people will travel at least 50 miles away from home. It's a great opportunity to honor fallen soldiers and spend time with loved ones.

Fact #5: President Ulysses S. Grant presided over the first Memorial Day ceremony, held at Arlington National Cemetery. About 5,000 people attended this ceremony in 1868.

Fact #6: The trumpet/bugle Taps is played at all military funerals and memorial services. You can find this tune played at a number of ceremonies this Memorial Day.

Fact #7: A National Moment of Remembrance was established by congress in 2000. At 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day, Americans are to pause for one minute to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

How are you spending your Memorial Day Weekend? We hope you plan a fun-packed weekend, filled with friends and family and good times. While it's a great opportunity to spend time with those you care about, don't forget to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Remember those who have fallen, this Memorial Day Weekend!

Now that you have this new-found knowledge under your belt, you can share these facts with your friends and family members. As you gather with your loved ones this weekend, remember the reason for the holiday. There are a number of ways you can honor our fallen heroes - attending a memorial ceremony, bringing flowers to a grave site, or participating in moment of silence. It's important to honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom! Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend, from the entire team at Advanced Lighting Service.

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