Friday, May 26, 2017

Interesting Facts About Memorial Day

With the holiday weekend upon us, it's time to think about the real reason for Memorial Day. While this is a great time to do activities with friends and family, it's also important to remember the holiday's purpose. The best commercial electricians in mid-MO know how vital it is to take some time thinking about our heroes who have passed. To learn more about the history and other facts about Memorial Day, take a look at the points below!

Fact #1: Decoration Day was the original name of the holiday. To honor those who have passed, soldiers would decorate the graves of their fallen comrades. Flowers, wreaths, and flags were used to adorn the grave sites, just like is still done today.

Fact #2: May 30th was Memorial Day until 1971. Now the holiday is celebrated on the last Monday of May.

Fact #3: The birthplace of Memorial Day is considered to be Waterloo, New York. In 1966 Congress passed a resolution to recognize Waterloo as the holiday birthplace, although other towns debate that they are the birthplace as well!

Fact #4: To celebrate the holiday, more than 36 million people will travel at least 50 miles away from home. It's a great opportunity to honor fallen soldiers and spend time with loved ones.

Fact #5: President Ulysses S. Grant presided over the first Memorial Day ceremony, held at Arlington National Cemetery. About 5,000 people attended this ceremony in 1868.

Fact #6: The trumpet/bugle Taps is played at all military funerals and memorial services. You can find this tune played at a number of ceremonies this Memorial Day.

Fact #7: A National Moment of Remembrance was established by congress in 2000. At 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day, Americans are to pause for one minute to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

How are you spending your Memorial Day Weekend? We hope you plan a fun-packed weekend, filled with friends and family and good times. While it's a great opportunity to spend time with those you care about, don't forget to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Remember those who have fallen, this Memorial Day Weekend!

Now that you have this new-found knowledge under your belt, you can share these facts with your friends and family members. As you gather with your loved ones this weekend, remember the reason for the holiday. There are a number of ways you can honor our fallen heroes - attending a memorial ceremony, bringing flowers to a grave site, or participating in moment of silence. It's important to honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom! Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend, from the entire team at Advanced Lighting Service.

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Top Trends in Commercial Lighting

As with all industries, commercial lighting transitions to new themes and popular features over time. If you're looking to keep up with trends in the commercial lighting industry, our team at Advanced Lighting Service can help. We offer insight to features that are gaining popularity and offer positive impacts for the business. The best commercial electricians in mid-MO have provided some of the top trends, for commercial lighting.

Energy Efficient Fluorescent Tubes

While a number of businesses have light sources that require a tube light, you can still use energy efficient tubes to illuminate your space. This can help greatly reduce the amount of energy required to light your commercial building. Reducing electricity costs can have a positive impact on your business' bottom line.

Solar Powered Parking Lot Lights

Parking lot lights are important and should be a priority for your business. While these lights that stay on all night are vital to safety, it can also pull electricity and add to your business lighting bill. Adding solar panels to your parking lot lights can help utilize the sun’s power that shines during the days to illuminate your property exterior at night.

Incorporate Wifi Gadgets

With a number of new gadgets that are wireless, you may want to incorporate these features into your business. While a wifi device seems simple, there is some back end electrical work that is required. If you want to add some of these cool new devices to your business, our team can help get the electrical side of things set up and ready for you!

Smart Glass

A great way to reduce the energy consumption in your business is to add smart glass windows and doors. This glass helps to block out solar heat, while allowing sunlight to enter your business. Adding this type of window to your commercial space can help to reduce the amount of air conditioning required to counteract the heat that enters through the windows.

Lighting For Productivity

A number of lighting options provide the ideal environment for your employees to work. Having the right lights can positively improve the productivity of your workers. Employee morale, health, and productivity can all be impacted with the various light options.

Are you ready to upgrade your business to match the new trends in commercial lighting. Advanced Lighting Service is here for all of your upgrade needs. We can help install new fixtures and lighting systems for your business in mid-MO. We want you to have exactly the lighting trends you're business could benefit from. Give us a call today to schedule your commercial lighting upgrade!

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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Friday, May 12, 2017

How Our Bucket Truck Can Help

If you've ever seen us out with our bucket truck, you may wonder what we're doing. There are a TON of reasons why you see us out! No matter what you need our bucket truck in mid-MO for, we're here to help. From cleaning your sign up high to replacing a parking lot light bulb that has burnt out, we can help you get up high to solve a number of issues. Contact the best commercial electricians in mid-MO for all of your bucket truck needs.

What Is A Bucket Truck?

A bucket is a feature added to a vehicle that can help our technicians get up in the air, safely. With a full surround and safety equipment in tact, our employees can get up to your hard to reach places, around your business. If you have a place that is hard to reach, we can help you out!

Replace Parking Lot Light

Parking lot lights are an essential part of your lighting system. They help to illuminate your business exterior and make a safe and inviting space for your employees and customers alike. If you notice a light bulb that has burnt out in your parking lot, it needs to be replaced in a timely manor. Our bucket truck service technicians can come out and get your light bulbs up and running, FAST!

Install New Parking Light System

If your business doesn't have lights to illuminate your parking lot, it's time to make your property a safer place. We can come out and install new parking lot light poles and lights for your business, making it a more pleasant place to navigate, at night.

Place New Signage

Need a sign for your commercial space? We can help with professional installation for your new sign. A sign is helpful in a number of ways - from helping show customers your location, branding awareness, and a professional look for your company. There are a ton of benefits that go hand-in-hand with having a commercial sign outside your business.

Clean Commercial Sign

If you already have a sign, you want to ensure it is nice and clean before the summer season hits. Whether you haven't cleaned it in a while because it's hard to reach or the recent storms have left debris on it, we can help you out! Our bucket truck can reach a number of tall objects - business signs included - making for a fast and easy polishing.

Business Building Maintenance

Does the exterior of your business need new paint or need to replace some lights that are high up? Our bucket truck service can help get up to those hard to reach spaces, to ensure your entire building is in tip-top shape. After all, you want to represent your business in the best way possible!

Now that you know all about the opportunities you can use our bucket truck service in mid-MO for, you're ready to look around your business for improvements. Whether you notice a parking lot light that needs replaced or a sign that has debris from recent storms, we can help with a number of services! Contact the best commercial electricians near Jefferson City, MO for all of your electric needs.

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lighting Tips for Your Business

Lighting is a HUGE sector of your business. To ensure your commercial building creates the ideal environment for customers and employees alike, Advanced Lighting Service is here for you! We can help ensure your lights are in tip-top shape and ready to illuminate your space, properly. The best commercial lighting company in mid-MO has provided some tips for lighting your commercial building, below.

Tip #1: Replace BEFORE Burn Out

Did you know that light bulbs pull the most amount of energy right before they burn out? It's true - help keep your lights and energy bill on track by replacing light bulbs on a regular basis. It can also be helpful to replace ALL of your bulbs at the same time to avoid replacing throughout the year.

Tip #2: Check Temperature of Lights

Make sure your lights don't get too hot. This can cause the temperature in the room to increase, making employees and/or customers uncomfortable. Many light bulbs put off heat, which can throw off the heating and cooling inside your space.

Tips #3: Choose the Right Color

Light bulbs come in a variety of tones or colors. It's important to choose the right one for your business. A professional can help you make this decision OR you can read up on the different colors to decide which one is best for your commercial building.

Tip #4: Save Electricity with LED

LED light bulbs use a fraction of the electricity, to illuminate the bulb. If you want to cut down on your monthly electric bill, consider transitioning your lighting system to LED. There are a ton of other benefits including: low level of heat produced, clear and crisp light, and last longer. Switching to LED is an easy way to reduce your electricity pull, for your business!

Tip #5: Light Up Your Exterior

Ensure your exterior is safe when you illuminate it properly. The outside of a business is an important place to light up. From safety of employees and customers at night to reducing your changes of being targeted for a break in, lighting up your business exterior is important! It can also help other navigate their way around your building, via foot or vehicle. Any outdoor tasks are safer, when you can see your surroundings.

Now that you know some of the tips to creating the right atmosphere for your business, you're ready to get started! If you want a professional commercial electrician in mid-MO to help with your lighting system, we're here for you. For all of your electrical needs and lighting maintenance in Missouri, contact Advanced Lighting Service today! Find a location nearest you, and give us a call for prompt and accurate service, for your commercial lighting system.

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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