Friday, December 9, 2016

Reduce Vampire Energy Today!

As a business owner, you may be constantly looking for ways to cut monthly expenses, like your commercial electric bill. Your trusted lighting company in mid-Missouri wants to spread the word about vampire energy, or energy drain. Cutting costs where possible can help improve the bottom line for your business, which we know is an important factor. Your expert commercial electricians have provided some helpful tips to reduce vampire energy drain.

What are Energy Vampires?

Unnecessary energy drain is known as vampire energy. The term refers to gadgets and appliances that waste energy from simply being plugged in, even if they are switched to “off” mode, in some cases. It is energy that is being pulled, but un-utilized. Many times office equipment and computers run all day and night, this can be a vampire energy drain. Even the smallest plugs can pull unused energy and impact your monthly utility bill. Now that you know a little more about vampire energy, Advanced Lighting Service has provided some ways to reduce the amount of unnecessary energy drain.

How to Combat the Vampires-

Unplug: When a device is not in use, remember to unplug it to reduce the power drain that will occur, even if it is not being used. If there is an appliance or machine that is not often used at your business, remember to unplug it after each time being used.

Utilize Power Strips: It is recommended to plug electrical equipment into power strips and flip the switch to off, when not in use. There are even smart power strips that automatically stop the power flow when devices are not in use, which may be a great investment for businesses.

Take Advantage of Sleep Mode: To reduce energy drain during idle time, set your equipment to sleep mode after only a few minutes of non-use. This can help improve the wasted vampire energy your company may experience with a number of computers in the office area.

Replace with Efficient Machines: When it is time to replace your commercial equipment, consider purchasing an energy efficient replacement. Whether you are replacing electronics or appliances for your business, an energy star device can help to reduce your vampire energy drain.

Now that you know more about vampire energy and how to improve unnecessary power drain, you are ready to start cutting down on your unused energy expense. As a business owner, we know that you strive to cut waste, especially wasted energy costs. Advanced Lighting Service is here for all of your commercial electrical needs. Give us a call at (573) 746-7997 if your business is in need of commercial electrical service in mid-Missouri.

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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