Thursday, March 9, 2017

All You Need To Know About Light Bulb Types

Do you know which light bulb type is the best for your commercial space? Your trusted commercial lighting company in mid-Missouri is here to help you choose which lighting option best fits your business needs. Each bulb type offers its own pros and cons. To take a deeper look at the light bulb types you can consider to illuminate your commercial building, see the information below, provided by Advanced Lighting Service.


A common type of bulb is an incandescent light, which offers a warm and inviting light for your space. Lit with a wire filament that is heated to put off a glow. This type of bulb typically lasts between 700 to 1,000 hours, however it is not the most energy efficient option.


A halogen light offers a white light, which closely mimics natural daylight. Colors tend to appear sharper under a halogen light. This type of light bulb can last 8  to 10 times longer than a traditional incandescent bulb. Although they are more energy efficienct than an incandescent light, the replacement cost is higher.


Fluorescent bulbs tend to light a large area better than incandescent lights. With a flat and cold appearance, the bulb can put off a harsh light level. While there are different fluorescent tones and colors to choose from, you can help the light from being too flat, for your space. This bulb type typically lasts longer than its incandescent counterpart. Compact fluorescent bulbs use one-fourth of the energy that a traditional light does and usually last 10 times longer.


Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a lighting technology that provides illumination. It is currently the most energy efficient bulb available. With a number of different "color tones", you can choose the best look for your business. LED bulbs are rated for 50,000 hours of life, about 50 times longer than incandescent bulbs. A HUGE benefit of using an LED light is that it pulls much less energy, to light up and also produces little heat. There are often benefits for a business who switches to LED lighting.

Contact Advanced Lighting Service Today!

Now that you have read about the different bulb types, you are ready to make a decision on which bulb to incorporate into your business. If you are not prepared to make that decision for your commercial space, contact the best electrical company in mid-Missouri to come out and evaluate your building. We can make suggestions for the best bulb type, to fit your wants and needs. After you decide which bulb to use in your business, we can install your new bulbs and entire lighting system! Contact Advanced Lighting Service for all of your lighting and maintenance needs!

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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