Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Benefits of LED Emergency and Exit Lighting For Your Business

An important safety feature in many businesses is emergency and exit lighting. Aside from being required in many commercial buildings to pass building code, emergency lights can help promote a safe environment for your employees and customers. Your trusted commercial electricians in Mid-MO can help update or install LED lights in your business’s emergency system. Advanced Lighting Service has provided some of the benefits LED lighting can offer your business when it comes to emergency and exit lights.

What is Emergency Lighting?

An emergency light system will help illuminate your commercial building if it should lose power. If a business has issues with power causing the lights go out, it can be dangerous for customers and employees to navigate their way around the space. Whether there is a storm or issues with the electric supply, back up emergency lights are important in keeping your business occupants safe.


LED lights last much longer than alternative light bulb sources. They do not rely on the filament to burn in order to generate light, which can help them last as long as 50,000 hours more than an alternative light source. As technology continues to progress, LED lights are being used more and more in emergency lighting systems.


The heat put off from a traditional light is a sign of inefficiency. Most of the energy is being put into heat instead of illumination. LED lights operate in a similar method, but they are thinner and lighter which makes them more efficient. For a more energy efficient emergency light system, consider transitioning to a LED light source.


Brightness is important when it comes to an emergency light, especially if that is the only light source your business will have if the power goes out. LED is a much brighter light source for optimal viewing of a dark building. To help your customers and staff navigate and exit your building successfully, consider using LED lights in your emergency system for best illumination.

Maintenance of Your Emergency System

Regularly checking your emergency lights is important for the safety of those inside your commercial building. As a business, you will want to ensure the lights will not fail, if the power does go out to your building. When it pertains to safety, emergency lights and exit lights are an imperative piece of your business plan.

If you are interested in improving the safety inside your commercial building, consider updating your emergency and exit lighting system to LED lights. The professional commercial electricians in Mid-MO can help you evaluate what is best for your business, when it comes to emergency lights. Advanced Lighting Service can assist your business in making updates to your current emergency system. Contact us at (573) 746-7997 for a free quote for lighting maintenance and service in Missouri. 

Jefferson City : 573-761-4776
Columbia : 573-777-4840
Lake of the Ozarks : 573-746-7997
Sedalia : 660-596-7007

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